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Season 2024 Registrations

Thank you for taking an interest in joining our club for the 2024 season.

All Registrations must be completed on the Play Football Online Portal located at Cronulla Seagulls Online Registrations


For those that are new to the club, or for those existing players that need help in registering, we have created a Registration Document available for viewing/downloading HERE 


We will have the Clubhouse open for Uniform purchases and Document Sightings ONLY on the following Dates/Times:

  • 2nd and 3rd March, 1pm-4pm

  • 9th and 10th March, 1pm-4pm

  • 16th and 17th March, 1pm-4pm


Please note that New Players to the sport (not players that have played with another club in the Sutherland Shire) must provide some documents for proof of age and residency. These documents are descibed below. You can email a copy of these documents to the Secretary at or you can bring them to the clubhouse on one of the above days. Documents required are either a birth certificate/passport (or drivers licence for 18+ players) for proof of age and for proof of residency documents only accepted are either a Drivers Licence, Council Rates Notice , a letter from the bank or an official government document. Bank Statements, Rental agreements and other documents are not accepted. If you are going to school within the Sutherland Shire and live out of the Sutherland Shire, then we need a letter from the school acknowledging the player is a current student of the school. 


These document sightings are a requirement of the Association, and no copies of the documents are stored in anyway by either the Clubthe Association or any other body.



U6 TEAMS - For U6 new starters/teams returning to U6 you are certainly allowed to create a friendship team. However, please note teams are limited to maximum 7 players and once you have decided who is playing in your team, when you register, there is a question that will allow you to put in the players names, but you must also email a list of players to the Registrar at


PLAYING UP 1/2 YEARS - When registering, you can only select the age group of the players age this year. After selecting the Age Group and following the process, there will be a question asking preferred age group/preferred team. Please make sure you fill the question in, otherwise the player will be placed in their appropriate age group and not the above age group.


LATE FEES are applied from the 16th February for all competition teams (U12+) and we cannot guarantee your place in the team you want from this date (unless teams are short and need players). The reasoning is due to the fact that Teams for the 2024 season will have been graded and those teams are sent to the Association by the 18th February.


ACTIVE KIDS VOUCHERS - The current Active Kids Voucer scheme has ended. However, if you have not used your last Active Kids Voucher ($50 available from July 2023), apply for your Active Kids Voucher online by following  this link You will need your Active Kids Voucher number during the registration process. We cannot apply the voucher after you have registered. PLEASE NOTE: Active Kids Vouchers cannot be processed after 31st January. This is a government regulation and not the clubs


COMMITTEE, 15 & 20 YEAR MEMBERS and LIFE MEMBERS - Please contact the Registrar BEFORE you register in order to obtain a one-time discount code.


For any registration enquiries, please contact the registrar at

For any payment enquiries, please contact the treasurer at



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